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Lab Technician Spraying Plants

Our Work

Our work bridges the gap between science, policy, and practice by providing guidance to institutions for understanding and using data, effectively communicating change, mainstreaming information into decision-making across levels, and improving knowledge for designing and implementing effective services.



GCF proposal development

Working with the Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) Water-Urban team and a team of consultants to identify inclusive, climate-adaptive, water-related investments for the AfDB-led “Freetown WASH and Aquatic Environment Revamping Project”.


NDC Implementation Plan

Led the development of a plan (on behalf of the Environment Protection Agency and UNDP Sierra Leone) for implementing and financing the NDC in Sierra Leone.



Environmental Risk Analysis

Led the preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) for the World Bank-funded Sierra Leone Digital Transformation Project


Capacity Development Strategy for CBIT Project

Led the development and implementation of effective and interactive training programmes for establishing systems for gathering information for designing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and tracking their performance.



Climate Landscape Analysis

Led a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC) in Sierra Leone to understand the baseline situation of climate, energy and environment-related issues affecting children and how they relate to UNICEF's priority sectors.



Offgrid Energy Policy Development

Led the review and harmonization of all relevant energy policy documents, especially those pertaining to offgrid renewable energy and energy efficiency on behalf of the FCDO's Africa Clean Energy and Technical Assistance Facility

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National Framework for Climate Services

Led the development of a phased 5-year integrated strategic action plan for the implementation of a framework for climate services in Sierra Leone, focusing on the 5 priority areas of the GFCS: agriculture, health, water, energy and disaster risk reduction.

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